Ultrasonic Cavitation

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a great addition to your weightloss journey. With this procedure you are able to target specific areas of stubborn fat.
Ultrasonic Cavitation is the use of ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat.
This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through your urine.
The broken-down fat cells go from the body to the liver where they are excreted as waste. This method of treatment is used along with other weight loss programs to help with getting rid of excessive fat. It is a preferred method to other invasive procedures of eliminating body fat. It is important to note that your weight could return if you consume a high-calorie diet. This is why I always recommend getting on a strict diet and exercise routine before starting treatments.

Minimize Cellulite

Cellulite is a cosmetic skin condition involving the accumulation of fatty deposits under the skin. It presents as areas of dimpled or puckered skin, most often appearing on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. This condition affects nearly 8 out of 10 women over the age of 20, as well as some men. Women more commonly develop cellulite because of the way fat is distributed in the lower half of the female body. Cellulite appears to have a genetic component since individuals who have family members with cellulite are more prone to develop the problem.


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